Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > guppies??


23 17:01:13

I already have 7 goldfish in my 55 gallon tank and recently started up my 10 gallon with 2 apple snails, but would like some fish to add to my 10 gallon for interest.  It is 68F (no heater)  What fish do you recomment.  I thought guppies or white cloud minnows would be fun, but I've heard differing opinions on their temp preferance.  What fish can I place in my 10 gallon that are very small but fun and easy to keep?  How many could I fit in there responsibly. Thnaks!

hey Lori,
68 degrees is too cold for guppies, but i'm not sure about the cloud minnows.

guppies would definatly be fun for you, or even some mollies. You could buy a small heater, they aren't too much money. If you wanted mollies and/or guppies, they like their temperature around 75-80 degrees farenheit. you could also get neons for this as well.

you could probably fit about seven or eight fish comfertably in there, depending on what you get. A cute and fun set up for small fish are about four neons (they follow each other around sometimes so around four look neat together) maybe two guppies, and two balloon mollies. If you get a male and female of the guppies and mollies, they will breed as well. If you don't want to raise the babies, you don't have to do anythnig with them and they will just get eaten. You could also focus your tank on either mollies or guppies if you didnt want different types of fish.

You could also do a betta tank. Bettas prefer water temperatures at 75-80 degrees, but can survive in colder temps. they tend to live longer and less stressed with the warmer temp as well. If you do the betta tank, you can only get one male unless you get a seperater. Females can be tricky to find in pet stores, but they don't normally fight so should be fine together. Make sure you try to get a docile male, agressive males will try to fight the females. The bettas could even breed, if you see a bunch of bubbles on top of the water that means he is building a nest.

I'm not sure about what types of cold water fish you could get, the only fish I have ever taken care of in a cold water tank are gold fish. you could get some smaller goldfish breeds, but that would probably be pretty similar to your other tank and not as fun and different as you would like.

i hope this helps you out and your 10 gallon starts off successful. good luck!
best wishes, chelsey