Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Floating Ryukin

Floating Ryukin

23 16:41:50

QUESTION: Hello! My Ryukin has been floating upside to the top of the tank since
Saturday. He looks awfully bloated. I have been fasting him since yesterday
afternoon, and have completed a 50% water change. He appears to be
swimming better today, but occassionally has his bouts of upside down
floating. Any help or suggestions are much appreciated.

ANSWER: Perhaps he has fish bloat, a diesease/parasite. If you go to your local pet store you can get a treatment for it as it needs to be treated. However, the degree of the treatment is quite serious if it is upside down, so the treatment may or may not work. But you have to treat it anyways or for sure it will not survive. Let me know if you need more help. Hopefully, the treatment will work!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hello, again.
If I go to the pet store what exactly am I asking for? If I say he has "fish bloat" will they know what I am talking about? Thanks again.

Just ask for the aisle with the fish treatments and find it yourself unless you have a very reliable private store to go to. Dont trust chain places, even if there is a so-called knowledgable person working there. Just find the aisle and look through the treatments, I use mardel alot. It comes in a blue box and they have a variety of treatments. Just find something that covers fish bloat and internal diseases and parasites. It doesnt have to be mardel but avoid cheap or no brand treatments. The little extra cost will make a big difference. Also, dont get tabs, get liquid or powder.