Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > How do I know if my fish has a parasite like a worm?

How do I know if my fish has a parasite like a worm?

23 15:37:53

I looked closely at my neon tetra's lip last night & either it is just like that or it could have a parasite like a worm.  What do I look for to see if it's okay or not.  Thanks.

Hi again Dipan,

If it's on its lip, it's one of two things.  Mouth fungus or it's a parasite.  They are really creepy little crab-like things too and they spread like wildfire.
I don't advocate using chemicals to treat diseases, but sometimes you must.

I would take the tetra out and put him in his own aquarium right now.  Whatever he has is contagious 99.9% of the time.

I'd add salt to that aquarium, 1 teaspoon per gallon and I'd increase heat to 80 degrees for the next few weeks, til he is parasite and fungus free.

If the fungus doesn't clear up on its own within the hospital tank, then you may consider it is a parasite.  The salt should help kill both things, but if not, you may need to medicate.

Thankyou and I hope this helps.  Happy hoildays.