Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > open sore

open sore

23 16:53:54

QUESTION: I have a large catfish in a 75 gal tank and it has an open sore on the top behind his top fins. I'm not sure if he hit it or if its from the feeders I've put in the tank
ANSWER: Hi Shari
Hard to say, it could be from scraping it on a decoration, could be an injury from the feeders-are they goldfish?  

Ok, my next question, are the feeders for the catfish or another fish or are you breeding them?  I ask, because if they're from the store, store feeders are notorious for carrying diseases.  They're kept in cramped conditions at the store, and they really aren't cared for properly-because they're only "feeders".  And for those reasons, it's really not recommended to feed fish store feeders, you're better off breeding them yourself.

What I would do, if it's possible not sure exactly how large he is, remove the catfish from the tank.  If it is an injury, with the feeders, it may make it easier to catch an infection.  I would start by treating it with some PimaFix(sold at the pet store).  It's a natural herbal fish healing remedy, that won't interfere with the biological bacteria in the tank.  Try that for a few days, see if it starts healing.  If not, get back with me, and give me some symptoms he's showing so we can tell if it's progressed to a bacterial, fungal, or parasite infection.

Good luck and let me know if there's more problems!!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for your info, my cat fish is about 13" and I feed him comets from the pet store. Today I noticed a reddish blotch on his side. So I am going to try that pimafix and will let you know how it works. thanks for your time

Hi Shari
You're welcome!!  Well, at 13", he's too big to move to a quarantine tank.  That sounds more like a bacterial infection, with another sore popping up.  Try the pimafix, and keep the water quality real good.  Like I said, if there's not noticeable improvement soon I'd give it a day or two just because of the new wound, then go with a regular antibiotic.  You're probably better off, if he'll eat pellet food, they sell an antibacterial food.  That way it gets inside them to start working.  If not, try Maracyn Two, or Maracyn Plus.  I believe the Plus product has something that makes the meds get absorbed through their skin, if that makes any sense....

Also, give some serious thought to doing away with feeding feeders.  You can try using worms, frozen bloodworms, frozen krill, cut up small pieces of cocktail or salad shrimp, frozen or fresh beefheart.  Big thing is you want to make sure they get a varied diet.  

Good luck with treatment, and let me know if there's any problems!
