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New Tank Setup Question

23 16:21:59

Hi! I have a newly setup freshwater tank (20 gallon), with a heater, keeping the temp around 78-80 degrees, originally with my betta, and slowly adding other tank mates. 1 Rainbow shark, 1 cory catfish, 1 ghost catfish, 1 black kuhli loach, and now recently added 1 dinosaur bichir, ("dino eel"). My question is, do you think my betta will get along with the dino eel on a day to day basis? My betta got really stressed out at first, upon adding other fish, he suffered two cases of ich, and a severe case of fin rot, with fungus, I thought for sure I'd lose him, but after a 5 day treatment of Jungle Lifeguard All in One tablets, my betta has returned to great health. I notice him nipping at the fins of the dino eel from time to time, he flares at him too, this is why I ask, will there be a stand off, should I seperate them?! I should also note that my betta gets along with all the other tankmates fine, its just the dino eel I see him keeping a close eye on, and I dont want it to end up in a fight to the death! Especially after seeing the Dinosaur Bichir tear apart his freeze dried shrimp, at feeding time! Any help or advice would be Greatly appreciated, being that this is my first time owning a big fish tank setup! :)

Hi Christina:  Betta fish can be touchy about space... but he will adjust as soon as he realizes that he is ok.  The dino eel will probably end up eating the betta, the cory cat and any other small fish you put in there.  I would separate them... hope this helps... dave