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Diseased Tetra

23 16:22:23

Yesterday I bought three neon tetras and put them in my tank (26degrees celcius) with 2 other tetras, 3 white tipped orange fish, and 3 zebra fish. I beleive that it has neon tetra disease so I removed from the tank and put in separate hospital tank. Is there anything I can do to help it or should I take back the other tetras or buy more to build a shoal? Thanks, hope you can help.

Hi James,
Are you for certain he has neon tetra disease?

Typically the symptoms are-
# Restlessness
# Fish begins to lose coloration
# As cysts develop, body may become lumpy
# Fish has difficulty swimming
# In advanced cases spine may become curved
# Secondary infections such as fin rot and bloating

Often during the initial stages of the infection the fish becomes restless and often begins to stay away from the other neons and no longer schools with them. As the Sporozoan disease progresses, it turns muscle tissue white usually starting with the color band. And its the damaged muscle that often causes the spine to become curved and the poor fish develops swimming difficulties. Rotting fins, dropsy-like symptoms are both secondary infections. A lumpy appearance may also show up on the fish as a result of cysts growing on the muscle.

Unfortunately there is no treatment and the best thing is to isolate the infected fish from the others and euthanize it. But make sure the fish is truly sick before making this decision.

I really hope this helps!!!
Best wishes,