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Callamanus worms

23 16:25:33

I have an infestation of callamanus worms in my guppies!! I've tried Panacur, but that did not work. I can not get Levamisol (it's a carcinogen apparently) and no one here has heard of flubenol 15. The one that I can find is called Metronidozole (or flagil) but it's an antibiotic and I need a vet to fax them a prescription. Should I take my fish in and get diagnosed? Sounds a bit stressful for the fish. If I can get hold of it, could you tell me what dosage I need? I have a 20 litre tank with 6 guppies, one loach and 6 tetras and one sucker (can't recall what type). None but the guppies seem to be infected! PLEASE HELP ME, THEY ARE DROPPING LIKE FLIES!!! If you have any other suggestions to treat callamanus worms with, please let me know!

Thank you for your effort!

Hi Bryony;

Camallanus worms are a very tough one to treat. I know you already tried it but Panacur (fenbendazole) is the recommended treatment by experts. You have to give it soaked into some food. Metronidazole doesn't work according to many who have tried it. I found a web page written by a person with experience in treating this little nasty, what worked and what didn't. About halfway down the page at the following link is their dosage recommendation for Fenbendazole (Panacur);

Good Luck...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins