Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > puffy eyes/fungus on its eyes

puffy eyes/fungus on its eyes

23 15:40:25

My red cap Oranda has puffy eyes/fungus on its eyes.
What could be the problem and how can I treat it?
I also have other Oranda and Lionhead fish and they all seem to be healthy.


First off, remove the sick fish and place him in your hospital tank. I need more information. How many fish do you have in that tank and how big is it. Do you have decorations or plants in the tank? How is the fish acting? Is it eating ok and swimming ok? Are his eyes puffy or do they look like they have "popped" out of socket so to speak? Are his scales normal or are they sticking out like a pine cone? I will wait to hear back from you with all the information. It is hard for me to tell you want wrong if I don't have all the info you can give me to describe the fish now.