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my fish are real aggressive with eachother

23 16:47:09

hello i am a real fish addict and i have two tanks in my home so far i have a fiftyfive gallon and a twentynine gallon i have four redbelly pacus in the big tank and two oscars in the smaller tank i have become worried because my two oscars have began to fight one another they are about five inches long a peice not much diffirence in size but what strange is that they can be fine for a little while and then they just tear eachother up on of them seems to be more dominant than the otheri dont know what to do cause i dont have the funds right now to get another tank to seperate them they have been together since they were very little they have never been seperated please help me i dont want my fish to kill eachother i am very much in love with them

The general recommendation is to keep either one Oscar or a school of at least 6. A single Oscar will be very lonely, while groups of less than 6 will result in deaths inflicted by aggression. Following these guidelines, a tank of around 500 gallons is the best environment for Oscars