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food for fishes during rainyseason

25 9:11:13

i have a tank of discus fishes , i fed them tetrabites, dry blood worms. but i wnt to know some live food for their growth. as live worms and bloodworms r not available during rainyseason . can u give me some home made foo. that i can prepare at home. i also have flowerhorn fisheswat do i give them in monsoon at present i m feding them with fishes like pencils and guppys but they wont be available all this season due to the rain?

Dear Sam,
Do you have a fish food supply store near your area? If so, ask them if they have frozen brine shrimp and other frozen foods that would be a good alternative to live foods.
Flowerhorns are usually not picky eaters and should be able to eat what the discus are eating. You could also supplement with cichlid pellets and freeze dried krill.
If you have access to guppys you can easily raise them in a small tank and they reproduce quickly and would supply your fish with live food all year long.
Hope this helps!
Best wishes,