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Color of gravid spot

25 9:17:07


Thanks for responding. The color change happened with all three female guppies. Could it mean that I am not feeding them often enough (twice a day) and when their stomachs are empty, the fry sacs move forward? I've just added a midday feeding.

Will gravid spots ever be black when females are not pregnant?


Hello again Janet!
I'm sure you are feeding them enough if it is three times daily. That's plenty and better for the guppies rather than just 1-2 big feedings a day. This is my best guess at why the colors of the gravid spot would change--is when the female guppy eats and food is in her digestive tract giving her the odd spot of color. Overall it still seems strange. I will let you know anything more I might find out about this.

Gravid spots typically won't be black when the guppies aren't pregnant. But it's hard not to have a constantly pregnant guppy, even when males are not present. If she has been exposed to males, she can continue to produce several batches of fry afterward even when seperated.

I hope this helps! If I find out anymore info on gravid patch changing color I will be sure to let you know!

In the meantime, best wishes and Happy fishkeeping!