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Tank cleaning without a plecastumus

25 9:17:31

I have a 40 gallon tank with some rather aggressive cichlids inside.  I love the colors and mannerisms of my fish, but the problem is  they eat my plecastumus(sp).  No matter the size of my algae eater, the cichlids always seem to find pleasure in eating it.  
Is there a way to maintain a clean tank without an algae eater, and without a daily scrubbing of the glass?

Hi David! Sorry to hear about your plecostomus. :(
Sounds like you might have african cichlids...but I may be wrong. There are a lot of cichlids who can be really bad fish killers. The good news is you can maintain a clean tank with zero algae eaters. I've done it many times and continue to do so. The key to this is controlling what causes algae to bloom all about in the aquarium-- excess nutrients and excess light. When both of these get out of control algae can take a hold and grow. Starting doing more frequent and larger water changes and limit the amount of light your aquarium gets. If you really don't like algae, leaving the light on for no more than when you are viewing your fish can help control it. But try to maintain no more than 10 hours. Even less since I reckon your tank has no plants (because of the cichlids). Large frequent water changes has a very good affect on algae control--if not eleminating it totally. Thirty to 50% once or twice a week is good. But do remember algae is just another part of a more natural aquarium..And a great many fish (cichlids included) love to nibble on green algae growing on the back and sides of the tank as a good supplement to their diet.

Just be sure you are controlling the nutrient (waste) levels with plenty of water changes and insuring you don't leave the light on excessively. Controlling these two factors should make the algae go away with time. ;-)

I hope this helps! Best wishes,