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Compatibilty and dogs

25 9:17:30

I was just wondering if you could tell me whether salvini and convict cichlids are compatible with each other. Will they kill each other?

Yesterday, Mr.Anand left me two puppies, a dalmation and a labrador.He is going out of station and wants me to look after them. They two are really cute. But the problem is, Shadow doesnt like their company. He wants to chase and bite them. He is a lot bigger than the two pups. Is there any way by which i can make the three dogs become friendly?


Hello Srinivas,
~As with all cichlids, there is no guarantee any two species will get along. Even what some books, websites, or magazines say, it may not always work out. Salvini cichlids are typically quite aggressive especially at spawning time. But some people have had them live peacefully among other tankmates. Namely cichlids and catfish. Salvinis also grow larger than most convicts and this may help save them from the convicts aggressiveness. But convicts can also bully fish twice their size so this is basically a gamble either way. Convicts would probably be OK. But as with all cichlids you need to watch them closely to make sure no fish is making the other miserable. I am having problems myself with my large Oscar, two Severums, and two tinfoil barbs not living together as nicely as I would have liked them to. I have had almost no luck getting them to live together in my 105 gallon tank. But anyway, best of luck with the mixture. I hope it works out. Sorry I can't give a decent answer as you know my own cichlids whom are consistantly listed as compatible, aren't doing well together. ;-)~

It's strange that Shadow doesn't like the puppies. Most dogs are very tolerante of puppies--because usually they don't feel they are a threat to their living space. On the other hand very active little pups may be annoying to an quieter and older dog who may snap at them when they get over rambuntious. Most puppies respect the message the older dog warns to them. But some may consider it a game to come back and dodge the impatient dog's snapping and growling. Until they may work out a peaceful relationship, it's best to keep an older dog and puppies seperated except when their being suprivised. You shouldn't leave the two pups and Shadow alone together unless you are confident he will not injure the pups. Make sure you don't over cudle with the new puppies you will be watching over. Shadow could be very jealous and feel like he isn't important anymore. Try to divide the attention equally as much as you possibly can. The three should work out their issues of ranking in the small pack which can be weeks to come. Just always surprivise and make sure Shadow still feels like he is the king and is special too you as he always was.
I hope this helps.... But I am not much of a dog expert. :-)

Best wishes,
Happy fishkeeping!