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Setting up chilchid tank

23 15:50:46

I wish to set up a 4ft Chilchid tank.
I spoke to the local aquarium and I was happy with the price to setup. However, I was quoted on a $260 external filter. I was told that this was better than having any internal filter, it was rated at 1200litres per hour.
My question is, do I need to spend this much on a filter?



Hi Darren,

Sorry, I'm from the U.S. so I think in gallons. The filter you are talking about is rated at about 317 gallons per hour. For a 4 foot tank (at least 40 gallons here in the U.S.) that would be about 8 times turnover per hour at best (317 gallons divided by 40 equals 7.925). This is ample flow, but you can get this much flow with less expense. For messy cichlids, I would recommend a combination of an external canister filter along with a hang on back power filter. The power filter provides the muscle by circulating lots of water, while the canister filter has a big area for housing biological media - which is important when you have fish that produce lots of ammonia and nitrite.

I don't know how many gallons (or liters, for that matter) your tank is, since you only mention the dimensions and not the volume of your tank. The most important part is that you have enough biological media, and enough water circulation. Canister filters manage biological filtration beautifully, with their ceramic media and foam sponges. "Waterfall" style power filters provide lots of turnover. That is why they work so well in conjunction with canister filters - you get the best of both worlds.

For example, the Cascade 500 canister filter is only $60 new and it turns over 115 gph. The Emperor 280, $45, provides ample turnover and performs mechanical filtration well - the removal of particles via filter floss. It also provides extra biological filtration with its bio-wheel. Together these filters provide 395 gallons per hour turnover, which is more than your single filter can do, and yet is considerably cheaper.

I hope that helps, take care!