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My guppy had lots of fry last night

25 9:17:31

My female guppy had around 25 fry last night. I was told I am lucky to have been able to watch the entire birth. But anyway I removed the mother and now the fry are in a 10 gallon tank the mother is in a 30 gallon with an asortment of other types of fish. I am aware of how to feed the fry and how to make water changes but that is just about it. So what else should I be aware of. If there is any thing else I should be aware of please respond because this is the first time I have had any type of fry. I have two 10 gallons a thirty gallon a 2 gallon. I have 4 7inch goldfish two female guppies  (pluse their fry) and a dragon fish that is about four inches long I am also getting a couple oscars for my b-day my brother is also getting acouple more small gragon fish. And when the fry are fully grown how many can I put in a ten or thirty gallon fish tank

Dear Cassandra,
congratulations on your guppy fry! It's good you moved them into their own ten gallon where they won't be chased by the other fish. Two important factors to insure they are healthy and grow well are lots of small but very frequent feedings. Six times a day feedings is excellent, but the amounts must be tiny and just enough that everyone gets a small bite eat. Their metabolism is very high and food can go through them in a very short period of time. Very high quality powdered flake food is good for them. You can make powedered food by putting a few pinches of flake in a plastic bag and using your fingers to roll and crush the flakes to a fine powder. Then put a tiny pinch in your water. It's best to make the food sink so the fry can easily reach it. Powdered freeze dried foods also give the fry lots of variety too. Changing the water 20% every day will cause growth spurts in all the fry. It is very good for them to have clean water nearly all the time. Always insure you make the replacement water equalized to their aquarium's temperature with a aquarium thermometor. A few degrees above is fine, but colder water can make them very ill. Always be sure you use a good water conditioner too to properly remove chlorine and chloramine. Keeping them warm and not crowding them is more factors to their good health. An aquarium heater adjusted to about 76-80 F is healthy--but if your house is kept very warm--at least room temperature and certainly not lower than 73 F then that will be fine as well. But warmer temperatures cause the babies to grow faster. About how many you can put in a 10-30 gallon is tricky to know exactly. You can't go by the one inch of fish per gallon rule. It just can't apply without problems. For example, ten- 1 inch guppies certainly isn't the same as one-10 inch Oscar. The body mass is certainly not comparable. And 10 guppies comes nowhere near as close to the pollution level a large fish puts out. Which brings me to your thoughts about Oscars... I am sorry to say a couple of Oscars will not work out in any of your aquariums. I know for a fact that Oscars are territorial and more importantly, will outgrow all but the largest aquariums. Please hold off on these awesome fish until you have at least a 75-80 gallon aquarium ready for a couple. I have an Oscar whom outgrow a 29 gallon tank and is now having to be moved to a 100 gallon aquarium. Oscars grow very fast and mature at around 12-14" inches. Not only are their size and waste production a problem but they will also eat your other fish as they grow and sometimes will just mangle a fish leaving you with the terrible task of putting the torn up beyond healing fish out of his misery, or in a seperate tank where he can succumb in peace. I don't mean to scare you from Oscars, I love these fish. But please wait and save up for at least an 75 gallon for one or two. Trust me, they need LOTS of space and lots of good special care. *They are a big commitment.*

With a good working power filter and weekly water changes of 30% at least, could hold an estimated dozen guppies. We don't want to crowd them at all or they won't be healthy. Guppies can breed like rabbits and if you aren't careful, you're guppy tank can become quickly overpopulated with fry. I would say, again with excellent filtration and frequent water changes about 24 guppies could live happily in a 30 gallon with few problems at all.
You must do those frequent water changes though.

Please try not to overcrowd your aquariums. Always research any new fish before buying them. It's with in the fish's best interest to research their care and tank requirements to prevent sad endings.

I really hope this helps!
Best wishes and if you have anymore questions, feel free to email me...
Good luck!
Happy fishkeeping!