Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > healing fins on geophagus jurupari

healing fins on geophagus jurupari

23 16:00:52

QUESTION: I am concerned with the injured fins on  my fish. I added a fish to a tank that
was the same for a few years. I know the tank is too small but it has med and
large clown loach and large Jurupari and tiny catfish   29 gallon  I added a
larger clown loach a friend had to off. It was healthy but had bothered fish in
previous 75 gallon of friend. After 48 hours i removed said new large loach
and have isolated waiting for new home. My Jurupari pectoral fins are
damaged. Not chewed but kind of torn and have added Stress Coat a few days
now. . It's been a week. Small white transparent like crystal formed on fin   
very small  like tiny bubble. Tank was much filteration for a 29gal.  Everyone
seems happy and eating well. Just purchased larger (55) tank and hope to get
it up soon. I hope the fins are healable. This fin is the size of half a thumb.
Thanks  john

ANSWER: Hi John,
What I have noticed that while all fins can heal. Pectoral fins seem to take quite a while. Probably due to the constant movement making it difficult.

But it will heal with time and good care. Plenty of clean water and good quality food should send him on his way to healing.

Keep an eye on the "crystal" it may be part of the injury and amount to nothing.

Best of luck and hope this  helps!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks Karen,  looks cottony this morning only one fin and one 1/4" area at end
of damaged fin Is this the ick thing?   help please  Have had fish 7 years. thanks

Hi John,
Well, now it sounds like a possible fungus infection issue. I would do a big 50% water change and add some jungle brand "Fungus clear" to the tank after the water change. Adding a little bit of aquarium salt (pre-dissolve first) helps deter fungal growth as well.

I would continue to treat like this with doing daily water changes and re-dosing for as long as the symptoms appear. And perhaps a day or two afterwards just to be sure. Remember when doing water changes you only need to add back as much salt according to only however many gallons you took out and remember salt does not evaporate with water either.

It doesn't sound like ICK to me. Definitely fungal in nature. "Fungus Clear" has never failed me yet in treating even stubborn infections. If you catch it early I think your fish will heal just fine.

You'll definitely want to keep nitrate levels as low as possible during "sicky" times like these also.

Best of luck, hope this helps as always!