Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > guarami/plagued with worms

guarami/plagued with worms

23 16:52:08

I recently had a guarami die leaving one small orange one left. It developed a hole on its side by his fin with a constant stream of worms. I have litterally treated it atleast 30 times in the past month. I cannnot believe it is still alive! I had it in with my Angels and tetras (which were no affected)I removed it from the tank (2 different tanks)I used Parasite clear(even used 2 doses in a 4 gallon tank)and copper safe and nothing is working. Please help, I don't have the heart to kill it.

Hi Christine
I just saw your question in our answer pool.  

What do the worms look like?  Do they seem to have a double tail at the end?  Or is it like a white piece of string/stringy material hanging on the fish?  It may not be worms, which is why the meds didn't work.  Any other symptoms in the fish, like gasping at the surface, rubbing against objects in the tank, flashing or darting around?  how's the mouth area look?  Any coating/film on the fish?  
