Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Will a female release her eggs w/out spawning?

Will a female release her eggs w/out spawning?

23 17:03:06

I have a female betta and I have 2 male bettas but I have no interest in spawning them.  My female is getting a little bloated looking and I was just wondering if she will eventually release her eggs on her own or she has to spawn to do it?  

Dear Heather,
Unfortunately most female bettas will not spawn on their own. Sometimes female bettas can hold their eggs too long and can become eggbound which makes them quite ill. Usually female bettas can just simply re-absorb their unlaid eggs also.

Most females tend to be a little rounder than the males most of the time. But many times they are really full of eggs. Hopefully yours will never get egg bound which females typically display eggbound symptoms of being lethargic and having a loss of appetite.

I really hope this helps!
Best wishes as always,