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Tropical Fishes

23 15:50:11

What kind of fish would you put together this is my first time ever doing this I am doing this for my daughter and don't know were to start.. Please help..

Hi Brittany,
Try to read as much as you can about fish care. Get a fish care book from your local library or a petstore...but don't depend on the petstore employees advice, they are wrong far too often.

Go with small and hardy fish like danios, tetras, platies. And get a reasonable size aquarium. Small aquariums are very prone to water quality problems and as a result, frequently cause fish to have shortened lifespans, become very weak and catch diseases often.

Try to get an inexpensive 10-gallon aquarium kit. The ones at wal-mart are actually fantastic usually. They come with everything you need to setup an aquarium successfully as well as instructions on how to get started.

Remember don't overstock your aquarium. Only add about 3 little fish at first. Wait for at least a couple of weeks before adding another 3.

Try not to keep any more than 10 small tetra size fish in a 10-gallon aquarium. Keep a maintenance schedule to consistently do about 30-50% water changes every week. Clean water is -very- important and the key to healthy fish.

With these tips in mind. I think you will do very well with the aquarium setup.

Best of luck and I hope this helps!