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25 gal? light for plants

23 16:57:39

I have a tank that I think is 25 gal. (it is a half circle
This light:

came new with the tank....will it be good for a planted set up?  I know that it is a saltwater light, I'm just curious how that will affect the plants.


Hey Renee,
Hmm, Im not sure how this will effect the plants if it will at all.
I'm also not sure if 24 watts is bright enough for plants.

But, I would try asking someone that knows more about plants. Yahoo Answers works great to ask people questions, juts goto and click around on stuff to try to find asking and answering and stuff. Also, there might be a plant section on this site.
Personally, I use fake plants so I wouldn't know. lol
the light is probably fine though, you just might want to double check. =]
best wishes, chelsey