Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Heaters


23 15:42:51


I am puchasing some blood parrot fish tomorrow after noon I have a 36 gallon tank which I have been heating since Wednesday its now Friday.  I have bought 2 heaters so far because I thought the first one was broken.  So the Heater I am using now its kinda heating the tank but I am worried that the parrot fish are going to die because the water is no warm enough.  I have my temperate at 80F right now because my house is a little on the cold side in the winter and that is what I was told from the person from the pet store.  The water is warmer than before but its still kinda cold.  Could you let me know if they will survive, also I don't know what you know about heaters but I have been calling different places regarding them because when I put them in the water and turned it on it would stay on for a couple of minutes and then turn off again for a couple of minutes and its been doing that for a couple of days now.  I have always had fish but never tropical fish or a heated tank before so I am new at this, and the people I talk to they say that there heater always stays on until the temperature has reached its temp but mine does not stay on.  I am wondering is this normal, and how long usually does it need to warm up the tank?  If you know please let me know thanks alot :)

Hi Brittany,

Your heater needs to be able to reach the desired temperature reliably. Some cheapo heaters are not very reliable - it's best you get one that has a good reputation among hobbyists. You'll need your heater to work for a long time, so consider it an investment! Make sure to get one with enough wattage - I'd recommend at least 100w for your tank, but 150w is probably ideal.

This is my favorite brand of heater, and it is currently on sale here:

As far as blood parrots' temperature needs, they do need warm water. 78-81 F is fine. How long the heater takes to reach the desired temperature depends upon ambient temperature and the size of your tank and the wattage of your heater, there's no formula (that I know of) that can tell you exactly how long it should take. But if it is as it sounds like, and the heater is struggling to reach the temperature you have set it at, then it would be best to invest in a new, brand name heater.

Take care, good luck with your new fish!