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Betta Fin Rot (??)

23 16:39:17

My sister bought a male betta for her daughter almost 2 years ago. I have one of my own, but neither of us are really "experts" on them. She asked me the other day about hers--apparently a few weeks ago the top fin (on it's back) started bleeding at the tip when she would change the water. As of now the whole fin is gone and there is a big white lump on its back at the base. She is saying that the fish has been staying in one spot (laying on top of the heater near the water level) because he cannot balance well and it is difficult to get himself from the bottom of the tank to the top without the fin. I tried looking this up and as far as I can tell it is fin rot? She is worried that it is too far gone and neither of us know what to do. I know that she keeps him in a 2.5-gal tank and does a 100% water change every other week. The temperature is usually around 80 degrees, and she treats the water with a purifier (not sure which one). She did say that he is still eating (and he is the only one in the tank). Is there anything we can do--will antibiotics help at this point?? Thank you for your help!

Hi Carrie,
I think the betta probably has a pretty decent chance of recovering as long as he gets good care. Start changing 100% of the betta's water everyday. Nothing does fish more good than clean water, especially when they have injuries or bacterial infections which is what finrot typically is. Make sure the water temperature is warm (80F is great like you have it now) It would also help if you think its finrot to treat with a medication such as Maracyn and/or maracyn-two.

The one thing that may be a problem is the betta's age. Most bettas are well spent at 2 years. So he may not have an as high chance of recovering as a fish that is 1-1 1/2 years. But its well worth a try to do your best to save your betta. Fish can pull through some pretty bad situations sometimes. If you want here are several links to info and pictures of finrot-
{Scroll down for finrot}

I really hope this helps!
Best of luck with the poor guy, I hope he gets better.