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Beta fish acting funky

23 16:19:38

My beta buddy had swim bladder disorder about 2 weeks ago. He's somewhat better, but here's the thing: when I put him back in his more or less gallon tank, he would stay at a corner of the tank, breathe, and then sink to the bottom on his side. His tank is less than 8 months old. Suji is just about a year old. I've noticed that he has a silverish medium belly even though he's technically orange. I've noticed that he still hasn't secreted anything. During the swim bladder thing, he did not eat any peas (tried EVERYTHING in the book), but I did give Epsom salt bathes twice a day. Also, he sometimes has his fins clamped to his sides. He has clean water, and I feed him once a day tiny pellet because I worry that I could be killing him. I'm at my wit's end in Texas, so please help me understand what the hell is going on...Thanks, anyway.

It sounds like he is not completely cured from the swim bladder problem. I would recommend re-treating him. It definately appears that he is not completely well. Re-treat him and try not to over stress him. Try and get a treatment rather than doing the salt bathes as they can be stressful. Also, try switching his food to regular tropical flake food. I have four bettas and they have been doing very well on regular tropical flake food with an occasional treat of freeze dried baby shrimp. Try this. Let me know if he does not get better. I hope this helps.