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23 16:00:26

can you keep several species of gourami's in a large aquarium peacefully? i have a 90 gallon and love gouramis right now i have one dwarf and would like to add more varieties. which would be most compatible

Hi Tim
A 90-gallon should work out well for combining several gourami species. But be warned--males do often fight. It is said however, that it helps to give each male about 2 females to group with. Gouramis tend to squabble among themselves in general but if they are raised from a very young age together at one time, there are plenty of 'territorial markers' as in decor and plants to break up the line of sight a permanent peace can be established. The "Trichogaster" genus which includes the three spot gourami and the many color variants- gold, lavender, opaline, blue, albino. Should be able to live with dwarf gouramis in such a large aquarium. The Pearl Gourami is in this family as well. They are a bit more timid but should be fine. It helps if they are bought at a little bit larger size than the other Trichogaster. Moonlight gouramis are a large species with striking silver coloration and they can be a bit more rowdy so they should be the also bought at a very young age. Females are usually more sedate than males. Again, lots of plants and hiding places will definitely help.

Keeping gouramis is a tricky situation. But with your large aquarium  and getting them all at a young age you will have an excellent chance of them all getting along long-term.

Best of luck!
Hope this helps!