Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Pregnant past gestation...

Pregnant past gestation...

23 15:41:54

I have platys that have been pregnant way longer than the normal do I know if they will ever have the fry? What if they don't have the fry? I have them in a separate tank with temp of 80 with little water movement I don't know what else to do? HELP!

Hi Stacy

The gestation period for Platys is about 4 weeks. However, they should not be separated from the main tank. Moving the pregnant fish to a separate tank causes her stress and she will reabsorb the babies or abort the birth. It is important to keep her as normal as possible. When and if she has her fry, you'll need to check the tank a few times a day and be ready to put the fry into a separate tank or breeder net to keep them from being eaten by adult fish.

Hope this helps, good luck!
