Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Tetras


23 16:09:53

My tank is 30"x12"x15"   

I have at the moment   

2 neons
1 black neon
5 glowlights
4 cories   

I want to add some more tetras such as more neons and lemon and rummy nose tetras.   

Can you suggest any other tetras?   

Thanks =]

Hi Jack,
Sounds like you have a nicely stocked tank already. You could easily add more neons, some lemons and rummy-nose tetras. Have a small school of at least 6 each if you can.

I love Bloodfin tetras, they create a nice contrast to the other colors of fish with their red tipped fins and silvery/clearish body. Bleeding hearts are another one of my favorites too. Black phantom tetras or Flame tetras are also lovely fish. Don't forget about the unique harlequin rasboras with their contrast color/pattern. But you have some wonderful choices already that will make a beautiful setup.

I hope this helps!