Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Black Moore Blue Spots??

Black Moore Blue Spots??

23 16:39:28

Hi I have a question about our Black Moor.  It lives in a 5 gallon tank with a
Fan Tail.  We do water changes about once a week & take out about 75% of the
water.  Been set up since May of 2006.  He has developed these blue patches on
his tail.  They look blue in color.  They are not raised.  It almost looks like
his tail has turned that colour in spots (if that makes sense)  He is acting
fine and eating fine.  The Fan Tail is fine.  The only thing I have done so far
is add a tea spoon of aquarium salt to the tank.  Any Suggestions??

Hi Tricia,
If the black moor doesn't look like he has fungus or anything then it may just be a natural color change. Goldfish can change colors and patterns pretty drastically and as long as it doesn't seem like a slimey film or fungus-like then I would guess he is just fine. It would be good if you could upgrade your goldfish to something a little larger. A 5-gallon won't work out longterm. Goldfish grow pretty large and produce a lot of waste. Even a 20-gallon would be best.

I really hope this helps, keep up with those water changes, it helps goldfish thrive more than anything else.
Best wishes,