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Dwarf Gourami and Lyretail Sword

23 16:27:53

Hi Karen,
I have a 10 gallon tank stocked with a dwarf gourami, a female lyretail sword, a snail, frog, and ghost shrimp.  Oh yeah, and two glass catfish.  We bought the gourami and lyretail sword last week, and at first they seemed to be getting along great.  But I have noticed in the last few days the gourami has been chasing the sword around, and trying to snap at it.  I have also noticed what seems to be ich on the gourami's top fin (started treatment yesterday, ich attack).  Could the crankiness be related to what's going on with his fin?  Or is he just starting to get comfortable with his new home and displaying his true nature?  Did I get the wrong fish for my community?  I'm very new to this.

Thanks for your help.

Hi Tanya,
That is in fact unusual how the dwarf gourami has been behaving with the lyretail sword. Maybe he is settling in and trying to establish his territory. Sometimes though, I don't know why, but certain fish may develop a dislike for other fish. And there's not much you can do about it besides remove either of the fish. Maybe the Swordtail is going into the Gourami's territory and the other fish and critters tend to stay out. Swordtails (like all livebearers) tend to be very nosy and curious. You may have to move the lyretail somewhere else. She'd appreciate some friends of her own kind. Either that, or switch the gourami out for some more swords or a different community fish.

However, you'll have to get your fish over ich first of course. Raising the temperature to about 82-83 really helps get rid of ick along with using a medication for the full recommended treatment period. Ick is usually the easiest illness to treat.

Best of luck and I hope this helps!