Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > blood under fish scales

blood under fish scales

23 15:55:34

i have notice on one side of my  lion head goldfish, there is a small patch colour like blood underneath its scale, but hours later, the patch became bigger!!! what is this? is my goldfish suffering from a disease? the fish look perfectly fine but all its colour are gone, the fish is white.

Hi Elaine;

It could be a bruise or even an abscess or tumor or something. Without knowing anything about your tank and very little about the fish, I really can't tell anything. If you can get a photo and attach it in a followup I might be able to help more. Also include more info such as;

How long has your tank been set up?
How big is your tank?
How many fish do you have? How big are they?
How long have you had each fish?
Type of filter?
What are the pH, ammonia, nitrite levels?
How often do you change water?
How many gallons of water are replaced every time?
What do you feed the fish? Do they eat well?

Let me know as much as you can as soon as you can...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins