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Hello (clam question)

23 16:53:48

I'm not sure if you can help me but I wanted to know about keeping freshwater clams. I really want one, but I need info (lol) can u help?

Hey Winter,

I don't know much, but what I do know is that freshwater clams are pretty low maintenance. They are a type of tank cleaner and eat microorganisms and other floating particles. The average small mussel will grow to just under 2" and will probably require a sort of invertebrate food. You need a sandy or small rock substrate, as these creatures like to dig into the gravel as a means of protection. There are species that enjoy a mild, tropical type aquarium, and some who require colder, faster moving water. Your best bet is to find a place that actually sells them *because they're a really uncommon find* and ask the store expert (or e-mail them if they're an online order site). Someone who cares for one on a regular basis will know far more then i do!

Best of luck, and I'm sorry i couldn't help more!