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started a 30 gallon tank

25 9:18:23

Hi, I started a new tank. the water is cloudy. I had used new water bottles and let the water sit. I filled the tank and added the chemicals that the pet store gave me. I haven't had a tank in 20 yrs and can't remember. How do I get rid of the slightly cloudy water? tank is a couple goldfish, neon tetras, 1 betta, a few snails and 1 swordtail  

Cloudy water cures depend on the cause of cloudy water. If you have any driftwood in the tank, and the water is a tea like color then that is the cause it will go away on its own.

Other then that, not much can be done. Change 10% of the water weekly, use a gravel syphon and makes sure your filter is clean. Get extra algae off the glass and decorations. Make sure you are followingn chemical dosage  very carefully. Read the labels and see if they may cause cloudy water.

If after a long time it does not clear, change all the water, and clean everything out very well. Then follow all the above advice on a weekly basis and it should hopefully stay clear.

Also check decorations for signs of erosion, and remove any that appear to have been worn.

From Stephanie