Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Are These Fish Good For A 30 Gallon Tank?

Are These Fish Good For A 30 Gallon Tank?

23 16:09:13

I have a fully cycled 30 gallon tank, and I would like to know if these fish are okay together!

3 male guppies

5 Black Phantom Tetras

4-5 corys (what kind should I get?)

2 Halfbeaks (Is there are kind that are fully freshwater and quite hardy?)

5 Rummy Nose Tetras

Also I would like to know if I could/should get any more interesting fish, and if I should make any adjustments in the list.

Thank you for taking your time and reading this!! :D


Hey there nichole!

I noticed your question is the question pool.

Your stocking looks brilliant.

Peppered or panda cories is what I would choose.

The halfbeaks are brackish but you swap these for platies.

You could add another 5 rummy-noses in with that five, they like being in medium shoals.

If you have any other questions, don't be afraid to ask me :)
