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Starting a tank, Catfish,Sand

23 16:09:12

QUESTION: I am planning on starting a 20 gallon tank with a sand bottom. I really enjoy the Pictus Catfish and columbian shark(metal grey top with white underside). The pictus my father had growing up..had one for 12 years right from a baby to a 8 inch "beast"
These fish(I was told) love to be in groups. I was looking at maybe 2-3 of each. Some live plants. a pleco/oto.

I don't plan on having many ordaments but caves, driftwood for these CF.I don't want thier barbs to be "torn" off.

1.Is there a specific sand? I could only find PHup sand(ment for salt water)?
2.Is sand a good option for catfish?
3.Is it ok to mix the catfish?
4.Is 4-6 too many catfish for this size of tank(20)?
5.I was going to feed them a brine shrimp( forzen)..a good choice or is there a better one?
6.A)I have heard that abit of salt(for slat water) is ok to add to a tank...if such how much and what does it do?
 B)This might be in reguards to fish with scales?

Thank you very much in helping me. You were the only one that had "catfish" in your "description" as to why I am asking you.

thank you for all your help.


Its amazing how long some catfish can live. Their life spans are usually quite long.

Pictus catfish do enjoy being in groups and do best in at least 2-3 or more. As far as your questions, here are the answers. :)

1/2.) Catfish as you know, do best with sand cause it is nicer on their skin and barbels as they forage around. Any kind of sand will do, but I'd avoid a pH altering substrate. It just isn't necessary. You can use play-sand but there's that chance of it clouding the water unless you rinse it extremely well. My favorite sand is what's called "Silica-sand" which is a larger-grain sand that is still quite fine. It is extremely easy to gravel vacuum and won't cloud up your water. Definitely look for this kind of sand. I was able to get a 50lb bag for 10 dollars at my local petshop.

3.) Catfish species generally get along Ok. But just keep in mind that plecos can grow quite large and may outgrow your 20-gallon.

4.) I'd probably keep about three pictus Catfish in your tank.

5.)Brine shrimp, bloodworms, and other types of of frozen foods are all welcome by catfish. They enjoy variety of almost any kind. Some shrimp pellets or algae wafers plus even flakes sunken underwater will also be taken.

6.) Catfish can be sensitive to salt. So its best if you avoid it. I've never found aquarium salt to be very beneficial when used long-term in your aquarium. Its great though, when temporarily treating a illness, it works well with most medications. However, not with catfish. Catfish have sensitive skin and the salt is said to burn their scaleless bodies.

I really hope this helps!
Best of luck!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: You know the kids play this an option to use? I don't plan on using it b/c there is possible glass ground up in it. Just curious as to your thoughts.(this sand is thoughly cleaned and sanatized)
I was told it may cause cuts in thier gills.

I do plan on having a bigger tank in the near future(likely a 65-80 gallon) Long(not corner or high) for more room.

I have a buddy that his brother sells tropical fish sand...white or black(more corse). .75/lbs. So likely only 15 dollars worth is needed. I always like having extra! lol

just curious and have seen it as no but can they be breed in captivity?


Hi Dan,
Yes, as far as I know, Playsand is common sand used in aquariums and should work very well. Just rinse it as much as you possibly can to get rid of the dust. Another recommended sand is pool filter sand.

But again, I love Silica sand, and I've never had any problems with it with any of my catfish/bottom dwellers. You might be able to it at your local home depot or a similar store. Just check several places if you can.

If you are getting a bigger tank, there's no reason why you can't raise 4-6 Pictus in your 20gallon. I didn't know you were getting a bigger tank soon. Now you can have a larger school of catfish!

So far, I know of no one who has breed pictus catfish in aquariums. They are very difficult to tell apart in the males and females, and they take a long time to reach maturity.
Someday I'm sure somebody will discover how to breed them. Just like the clown loach breeding that was a first a while back...

I hope this helps!