Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > oskar disease

oskar disease

23 15:54:26

i am having a tiger oscar of 2.5inches for around six months .
but for the past two weeks i find my oscar very dorment and it is not moving for most of the day . today i found that its gills are bit swollen and seems to have some injury on the inside .i dont know what to do


I would be glad to help considering I have 4 oscars myself. The first thing I would do is try your hardest to maintain a perfect water conditions and test it every other day. Also I would start adding aquarium salt to your tank as it asks on the back of the package. I always use the blue carton of salt and it seems to work really well. Adding this salt helps condition the water, and it also helps any external wounds on the fish. Also once taken in from the gills of the fish it well help on internal injuries as well.

I have a few questions for you:

What type of water do you use (well,tap,bottled)?
Does your fish show and external wounds?
is any other fish in the tank?
How often do you feed it/them? What do you feed them?
and do you test your water?

With these answers I should be able to help you out alot better. Also pictures always help if there is a visible problem you can see!

Exp. Michael M.