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tropical fish compatiblity

23 16:13:27

Hi Karen, Help me please new to this aquarium thing . What fish are compatible with  kissing fish and parrot fish and oscars?

Hi Jerry,
Wow, quite a combination there! In logical terms, Kissing fish, Parrot fish and Oscars generally aren't recommend as good tankmates for each-other. The Oscar outgrows all these fish and may try to eat them or just simply pester them all their lives.

However, if these fish are raised together as young little fish there is a good chance they will continue to get along most of their lives.

As for other fish, Oscars are often kept with Firemouths, Severums, Silver Dollars, Clown loaches, Jade-eye cichlid, Pictus Catfish, Convicts, or Jack dempseys. Tankmates are not limited to just these fish listed but there are general rules to follow by, the fish's eventual size should not be small enough to fit in the oscar's mouth and the fish should not be too timid or too territorial.

Even then, every circumstance is different and every oscar is an individual in personality, so while some might be peaceful with nearly all fish they can't fit in their mouths, others may be too aggressive o be kept with anything and they must be kept alone. I think that raising the fish together, again, plays an important part in making sure the fish all get along. That doesn't mean though that there will be problems later on down the road. Cichlids are a complicated fish to keep due to their personality, but with the right care and understanding of their needs, they can be a real joy!

Also keep in mind the adult sizes of all these fish you keep and make sure you have a tank big enough. One oscar alone does best in a 75-gallon tank and larger would of course be better.

I hope this helps!!!