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Betta and Mollie compatibility

23 16:21:11

Hey Trish! I have a ten gallon tank with a few dalmation mollies and two different cory catfish. A few months back, a silver mollie of mine had babies. My parents took three of them and put them in their 28-gallon tank which also houses a betta, neons, and two emerald green cory catfish. The babies and the betta get along, except when the mollies get to close the the betta's worms. I was thinking about getting a betta for my tank, but one of my mollies has a long top fin similar to the lyra tail mollies. His tail fin doesn't look any longer than my other mollies. Will this make a betta attack this mollie because of his fin? Thanks for your help!

Hi Shelby.  Unfortunately, this is not a question I can answer for you.  You won't know unless you try it, plain and simple.  If/when you do try it, make sure it's at a time that you have the time to sit there and observe the fish to make sure they all "play nice".  Remember, the Betta will probably naturally "flare" and put on a "look at HOW BIG I am" show and possibly charge some fish, but let them go, that is usually short-lived.  They just have to keep their ego's up by being big-shots!  I think you should probably be ok, but of course, every fish is different, so you can never tell for sure.  I have the same type of mollies, and i have a male AND female betta both in my 55 gallon tank with mollies and platys and 2 danios (long flowing fins), and I have had no problems with ANY of them.  Of course, they all have plenty of room to stay clear of each other.

I know this isn't much help, but there really isn't anything else I can say about's just a "try it and see" type of thing.

Good luck!!