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Angle Fish in a 55 Gallon Tank

23 16:13:03

I have 1 Large Angle fish in my tank, I would like to add a small Oscar is this possible?  I am in the process of creating more hiding spaces in my tank right know I only have a few plants and 2 other hiding places.  I don't believe my angle is aggressive because, he came from a tank where he was beat up his fins where very short from the other fish biting it.  They have grown back now, thanks for the help.

Hi Stacy:  While the angelfish and the Oscar are both cichlids I would not mix them at all.  The Oscar will have the advantage over the angelfish from the start.  The Oscar will also out grow the angelfish in no time and then the Oscar will probably eat your angelfish.  You can mix discus and angelfish but I would not mix the Oscar, red devil, green/red terrors, Texas or jack dempsy with your angelfish... dave