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jewe fish acting strange

23 15:25:57

I just set up a 20 gallon tank I have 3 jewels 1 firemouth and 2 Cory cats. I have had the jewels and the Cory's for about 2 weeks now. They do nothing but swim up and down the glass Crazy all day long.they do eat but when they aren't eating they are swimming erratically all over the tank. The firemouth was added a week ago and it acts like I thought fish should act by just chillin and picking the bottom for food. The jewels are driving me crazy I can't understand why they do water is ok ammonia isn't at 0 but it also isn't extremely high and they rub their gills on the rocks but not much at all. Once and a while they will glance of a rock. Its driving me nuts do I have reason to be worried or m I just overreacting to nothing? It just doesn't seem right I have had fish before I have bred firemouths but this is the first time I have had any fish act like this. Do you have any idea what could be going on?

If your tank has been going for less than 6 weeks, then the filter and tank have not set up yet. The ammonia and nitrites have to be a zero at all times. If you are getting any reading higher than zero, then it is too high. I would do a water change today and then retest the water tomorrow. If you get any reading of ammonia or nitrites then do another water change. Do this every day until all levels are at the safe levels. They could be reacting to the ammonia. They also might be able to see their reflection in the glass and are trying to get to it. I would think though that it is the ammonia in the water. Once that has been removed and the fish have had a few weeks to settle down they should be ok. If your fish are rubbing on the gravel, that is a sign of parasites. You can get medicated food for that along with medication to get rid of the parasites at any fish/pet store. Whatever one you get make sure to follow the directions on the packaging.