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White spot on betta

23 16:36:33

About a month ago or so, I acquired a new betta fish to live with me in my dorm room. For a bit now, I've noticed what appears to be a white spot on its belly between its two fins on its belly. It appears to be white and upraised a bit. When I first noticed it, I wasn't sure if I was imagining things because my fish is very active normally and I would only see the spot for a second or so. I tried doing some research on the subject and found out about Ich... but it doesn't look like any of the reference pictures I've seen, and theres only one white dot, more have not been appearing. Other than that, my fish remains active and happy, and her eating habits remain the same. What is this spot on my fish? Is there something wrong with my fish and whats the best way to go about treating her if there is?

Hello Ari. You're betta is a female right? Short fins, and everything. Not like a male. There is nothing to worry about. Your betta doesn't have any disease. This white dot on her belly is where the egg sack is. When the female and male mate, that is where the male warps himself around, as the female depostes the eggs, and the male fretilizes them. So its just the egg sack. Normal for a female betta.
