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Tank Cleaning after Goldfish died

23 16:42:37

I had two sweet little comet goldfish get really sick and die with what I think was ick after I introduced a bottom feeder to the tank.  The bottom feeder also died two days after I brought it in to the tank.   I'm ready to start over with new fish but I'm worried about the disease being present in the rocks and tank decorations that I have.  Obviously I'll start with completely fresh water and do a thorough cleaning with vinegar but I wonder if there are any other precautions I need to take with my filter or tank decorations.  Thanks!

Hello. With tank decorations you have to be very careful. My fish also had ick. I took out the tank decorations and put them outside in the sun. This will take any alge or disease off of the decorations. Afterwords when your ready to put them in the tank wash them off WITHOUT SOAP! Just a thorough rise under tap water. Also to prevent ick add one teaspoon of salt per gallon to your fish tank.