Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > cloudy like cotton substance on my oscars eye

cloudy like cotton substance on my oscars eye

23 16:36:29

 i have an Oscar with a convict and a jack dempsey and a placo. the problem is my Oscar has a cotton or cloudy substance on one eye . he or she seems fine but i want to know what i would use to treat it cause the people at the pet store .....well they don't know ...NOTHING except the price of the fish

Hi Billy Bob;

It sounds like an injury that has become infected with fungus or bacteria. Keep the water very clean to boost immunity and add aquarium salt. Melafix or Pimafix would be helpful too. They have natural ingredients that help heal and fight infection. If it doesn't improve in a few days you can use a medication for fungus added to the tank water. Many fungus treatments will help bacterial infections too, so check the labels. These medicines do make quite a mess of the tank water and can stain clear sealant though. Usually they contain a bluish-green dye. It's best to try a more natural approach first anyway.

I hope he feels better soon...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins