Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Goldie with a blister

Goldie with a blister

23 16:36:30

QUESTION: I've had my goldies (there are 3 in a 38gal tank) for about 3 months now. Went from a 10gal to the 38gal just about 3 weeks ago so this tank is still cycling a little bit. One of my pearlscales looks to be developing a clear fluid-filled bump or blister. I googled all I could but nothing sounds like what he has! Its about the size of half a pea & wasn't there yesterday & is acting completely normal. Just some info, the pH is 6.7, ammonia is 0.25, Nitrite is 0.50, Nitrate is 5.0 & I have been adding some aquarium salt to their tank because the same fish that has the blister also appears to possibly have ich. (1tbsp per 5gal) Any ideas or articles you can find to help me fix & identify it would be very much appreciated!

ANSWER: Hi Kerry.  I'm going to try to help you, but you're going to have to help me.  The only thing that I found about blister looking things is something called "Gas Bubble Disease" here is a clip (there is also a picture, click on it and it enlarges):

"Gas bubble disease

Gas Bubble Disease is caused by a sudden dramatic change in gas pressure in the aquarium. This can happen by changing too much water at one time or by adding cold water to the fish tank. Gas bubbles form in the fins and skin of the fish. The bubbles look like blisters and are very easy to see. The skin will crackle if you run your finger across it. If not treated in time, gas bubbles in the bloodstream will kill the fish. The treatment is to add a lot of aeration to the aquarium. Lights should be left off to minimize stress. If you see a lot of bubbles that have already popped, consider adding a general antibiotic to guard against secondary infection."

This was taken from:

IF this sounds like what is going on, I would IMMEDIATELY put every means of aeration I have in that tank NOW.  If you do not have air pumps and tubing and air stones, you really need to go get some, because goldies should have extra aeration even when they are healthy.

You need to, if you would, let me know if this sounds like what is going on.  Thanks also for providing the water parameters.  The PH is too low for Goldies, you want it up around 7.5 of 7.6.  You can buy PH UP for this and SLOWLY bring the PH up according to the directions.  If you do it too fast, it can be harmful.  But the PH my second concern at this point.  Can they live in the lower PH.......yes, but they like the higher PH much better.  You also can AND want to keep the ammonia, nitrites and nitrates down through small frequent water changes, every day if necessary.  There is also something you can get that's called "Prime", it's a water conditioner, but somehow helps make the ammonia, nitrites and nitrates less.  Here is a page that will explain the water conditioners better.  This site is also FULL of info you might find helpful, so if I were you I'd take a ride around it:  and here is a part from that same website on goldfish:

And this one explains the cycling of tanks:

I would suggest that you continue to use the salt for the ich, but also consider possibly a broad spectrum antibiotic to help with any secondary infections which may start as a result of this (it is important to keep your tank clean to help prevent secondary infection).  

Before you go for the antibiotic (since it's now Saturday), get back to me first, if you would, and let me know if this is what sounds like is going on.  If so, then I can figure out a "plan" for you which may help you out faster.  If it's not it, I'll go back to the "drawing board" and contact a couple of friends of mine who are in the fish industry to see if they have an idea.  What this is fits your description though, so I'm curious.

I will watch for your e-mail Kerry and get back to you ASAP (you won't have to wait as long as this one, I promise).  It's Saturday and I'll be home, so I will be sure to keep an eye out for it.

Good luck.   ;o)

Here is a forum I found with people talking about a pearlscale goldie with gas bubble disease.  Also, if you look up "Gas Bubble Disease in Fish", there are PLENTY of sites there, just not many on how to treat it other then aeration.  You may find out how it happened though, again, IF this is what is going on.  Please get back to me ASAP and let me know, ok??

Here's the site:

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Well, the blister doesn't seem like Gas Bubble Disease, & only one of my 3 fish is effected. I have taken some pictures & circled the blister (there is only one & thusfar it hasn't grown in size).
I do use a water conditioner by topfin every single time & I plan to go buy some PH up today, now that I know its too low.
Here are the pictures so hopefully I can find out whats wrong with the poor guy!

Hmmmm, ok, you're right.  Scratch that one.  Was a good idea though.

That to me looks like a tumor or something of the sort.  These can be in all sizes, and they can be something or nothing.  If it's ok with you, give me some time.  I have a friend who has goldfish and I'm going to send him your pictures and tell him what's going on and see what he has to say about it.  I will be back in touch with you this afternoon as soon as I hear from him.

In the meantime I'm going to do some searching as soon as I put my 2 yo down for a nap.  I'm totally interested in this and I want to try to help you get to the bottom of it.  It the  meantime, can you get back to me (make it a private message, i'll tell you why when you do), and let me know ANY OTHER info you can give me on this lump.  You say it looks like a blister....a clear blister, whitish, under the skin, on top of the skin, more like a lump or a bump as opposed to a blister, etc.  ANY little info you can give me can help in identifying.  ALSO, if you can try to get a side shot of it, that would be great.  I cannot see it to well at the angle of the shots.  I'll help you get to the bottom of it.  It's sounding to me like it could be 2 things.......either a tumor of some type or possibly parasitic.  But let me see what my friend has to say too.

Get back to me in a private message asap, I'll be waiting!!