Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Black Moor with Clamped Fins/Lethargy

Black Moor with Clamped Fins/Lethargy

23 16:29:34

I have two baby black moors (1/2 " each - "Grumpy" and "Doc") in a 12 gallon eclipse tank with a biowheel and filter. Doc is a new addition and doing fine, Grumpy has now started showing signs of clamped fins and a little lethargy. I've checked the water (which is fine), did a 15% water change, and added aquarium salt.

Any ideas?

Hi Janine,
I would watch Grumpy very closely. Because sometimes clamped fins and listless behavior are the first beginnings of an illness. If the water for certain tested out ok (0-ammonia 0-Nitrite, Nitrates-20 or less) then I would watch him closely and maybe do 30% water changes every day for a while just as a precaution.

Best wishes, I hope this helps!