Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > 60 L Goldfish Tank

60 L Goldfish Tank

23 16:47:51

QUESTION: I have a 60 l tank how many goldfish can i put in here now i have about 2 goldfish
ANSWER: Hello,

I recommend putting no more then about ten, but it also depends on the size and type of goldfish. If they are a smaller species, ten should be ok. If they are larger or fancy goldfish you may want to limit yourself to more like 5-7.

I hope this helps.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: with goldfish what other fish is compatible

(its a common goldfish)
ANSWER: Hello,

I am sorry, but I am not sure that I quite understand your question. If you could reword it or just double check it for clarity I will hopefully be able to get back to you with an appropriate answer ASAP.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: i have a common goldfish what other fish can i put with it in my 60 l tank


Thanks for clarifying :)

Well, of course one of the most common things to pair goldfish with is more goldfish of different varieties or colors. However, if you are looking for some more variety, here are some other coldwater options: white cloud minnows, ghost shrimp, gold barbs, green barbs, rosy barbs, bloodfin tetras, guppies, pearl danios and zebra danios. All of the above are suitable in cool-water community aquariums.

I hope this helps.
