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Why wont my fish eat the flakes?

23 16:19:06

I have just brought a black moor and a ordana i think it is, and when i feed them the flakes that the shop told me to get they just aren't interested they let them sink to the bottom and just leave them there, live been fetching them out so they don't go to nitrates but I'm worrying that they haven't eaten so when i put a frozen block of blood worms in and they went crazy I'm starting to wonder why they wont touch the flakes but eat the worms. Is it ok to keep them eating the worms and other live frozen food or do they have to be kept on the flakes?

Hi Helena: Feed them twice per day.  Flake food in the morning and then a mixture of flake and bloodworms in the evening.  By morning they should be really hungry and hungry enough to eat the flake food.  Fish can be like small children... they prefer the good stuff all the time and will let other food go to waste.  It is important for goldfish and other fish to have a balanced diet so don't just feed them bloodworms.  Flake food, goldfish pellets, frozen bloodworms, frozen brine shrimp make up a great diet for fish.  There is also a plant called anachoris that they will love to eat. you can get that at most aquarium stores. hope this helps... dave