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Dwarf Gourami with White fluffy patches

23 16:42:25


I have had my Dwarf Gourami for about a week now, he seemed quite happy and like to swim around lots and up and down the glass, however yesterday i noticed that he was being quite motionless most of the day, just floating near the bottom, he was eating however. When i check later last night, i noticed that he had white 'fluffy' looking patches (if you look at him front end on, or near that angle, they are white and fluffy, quite clearly visable and stick out) from side view its not fluffy but just lighter and still noticable. He is still eating, however not with the same 'excitement'. He is breathing quite heavily. I have a marble female molly in the tank who is a bit of a bitch, she is always chasing everyone around, the platies seem unbothered by it, as does the black male molly and corydoras', it is quite possible that she 'bashed' the gourami, but Do you have any idea what the white patches are? or suggestions as to how (if possible) to make him better?
Further info - tank is very healthy, 65L, well planted, have 4 guppys, 4 platies, male and female Dwarf gourami, 6 neon tetras, 2 bronze corydoras and an albino corydoras, 2 khuli loaches (havent seem them in weeks)

Thanks in advanced,


Hi Phil,
Sounds like the poor gourami has fungus. Fungus can be a very contagious illness so if there's anyway you could move the gourami into a hospital tank then please try to do that.
Fungus can be brought upon by injuries made by other fish which opens the fish up for infection. Stress can also lower their immune system and bring upon fungus infections.

You'll need to begin treatment as soon as possible. With the gourami ideally in a hospital tank, make sure to do daily 50% water changes (very important) and you can treat with a medication such as Jungle Brand Fungus Clear which I've had good success with. You can also try a little bit of aquarium salt. Pre-dissolve it firstand slowly add little bits of the dissolved salted water at a time to the hospital tank.

Fungus is pretty easy to treat. Just catch it in time and use medications, salt, and water changes to get rid of it.

I really hope this helps!
Here's a link to more info plus photos of fungus-

Best of luck,