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My gourami fries!

23 16:30:45


My gourami's had a success ful breeding and has many fries upto a 100 i suppose. Can i feed them flakes. What else can i feed them.Is it nessacary to remove the parents from the breeding aquarium. They are not fighting . Will something happen if i feed the parents .

Please do reply.

Thanking you

ANSWER: Niraj,
 You can feed them Powdered Flakes, Live Baby Brine Shrimp , and Finely Crushed Frozen Brine Shrimp (for this one let the shrimp soak in tank water before serving it to them so its much more loos and easy for them to eat). You don't need to move the parents. Unlike livebearers and barbs, they don't eat their fry.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for the reply Erika!

But the problem is that my parent gourami's are not eating anything . Please find a solution.


ANSWER: Niraj,
  Do your gouramis look like a pinecone (all puffed up and scales sticking out)? If so, it's dropsy. I heard you can use Binox from Jungle,  but other wise, it's fatal. I haven't heard of any solutions for this other than that, I'll research it a little to see if there's a cure... Here are some symptoms: Fish stop feeding, appear off-color, become listless and/or lethargic, have sunken eyes, and hang at the top or stay at the bottom of the aquarium. It says that gouramis are able to get it.. If you have another empty tank, use it. Then see if you can get a bacterial remedy or spectrum antibiotic from any aquatic shop. The fish should make a full recovery in less than a week. Other wise those fish get flushed. Hope your fish gets better! :)

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: My male has something protruding from his mouth and his lips seems big. They are trying to eat but they're spitting the food out. they dont look like pinecones. They are not very active and they switch place ( move up and down alternatively).I will take your advice.

Thanks a lot!

 Ok. I got some answers. Could you get water test results? Usually stores that sell fish do free testing. That should help in figuring out what is wrong. Also, what size of tank is it? How long has it been set up? How often do they change the water? What do they feed the fish? What kinds and how many other fish are in the tank? What is the water temperature? Sorry for so many questions, but it's what the readers asked.