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gold fish acting weird

23 16:52:02

I have two fancy goldfish. one is orange and looks as though it has large black eyes but if you look closely you can see the pupil is small right in the center, 3 weeks ago the black around the pupil became a whitish color and it would hide in the log for long hours of the day. i started to notice it was getting rounder in the belly area. suddenly the other fish that is darker in color and a flatter fin has been a bit more lethargic itself and today its belly bloated. it seems to be acting fine but the belly is suddenly huge. does anyone have any answers, i love these little guys and need to help them if something wrong.... thanks

Dear Heather,
I'd like to get this back to you as soon as possible especially since we may be dealing with serious health issues here.

Here are possible causes to your Goldfishes symptoms-
*Eye turning whitish: this may be "cloudy eye" which is due to damage to the eye, bacterial infection, or poor water quality. Copy and past this link in your search box to see a photo of "Cloudy eye"

Also if it is similar to a whitish ring around the eye that could indicate the first symptom of Popeye, you can read more about that on the same website on the above link.

The bloated belly could be many, many things, and diagnosing the cause can be difficult. It could be Constipation, internal infection, eggs, and egg binding, tumors or Dropsy. Constipation is usually characterized by a bloating belly and the fish not being able to BM much, if at all. Usually feeding thawed and de-shelled green peas works wonders for those affected fish. And this problem tends to affect goldfish very commonly.
Internal infections are difficult to diagnose, usually the fish will behave very sickly and often refuses to eat or hide. It doesn't sound like this is what your fish has but there are always exceptions.
Now if there are eggs and she won't or can't release them, usually females can just re-absorb the eggs. But some fish can get egg-bound and this makes them behave very listless. Sometimes adding epsom salt at 1 Teaspoon per 5gallons may help.
Dropsy is the worse...It's very difficult to treat, but sometimes if it's caught early you can help save your fish. Dropsy is an internal disorder caused by a number of things, whether it be a bacterial, viral, parasitic or even just a internal disorder. Dropsy is distinquished by a bloated belly with raised scales like an open pine-cone. Unfortunately once fish reach this stage they often cannot be helped. Usually fish who are developing dropsy often hide and may only come out for occasional bites of food. Always beware of any fish that hides for unusually long period of time. They are most likely affected by an illness.

You as the goldfishes owner would be best at diagnosing your  fish since you can view your fishes symptoms and with the information I've provided hopefully make a proper diagnoses.

As a pre-caution please try to begin daily 30-50% water changes if possible to make sure we don't have a water quality issue on our hands. Clean water is very important in the healing process of sick fish and helps relive stress.

For more help visit here-

I hope this helps! Feel free to get back with me on how your goldfish are doing, I am more than happy to help all I can!
Best of luck,