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Platy Hiding

23 16:29:20

Hi there, I have a 10 gallon tank, which had been an established tank that my friend had for many years but she moved & it sat empty for awhile and she gave it to me three days ago.  I cleaned it, added the water, aquarium salt (2 tablespoons), added the water conditioner, added Jack's Bio Boost, which I assume is like Cycle, adjusted the temp to 76, adjusted the pH to 7.5 (my tap water is naturally high), and waited 48 hours.  I can't find BioSpira anywhere so I decided to use fish to cycle the tank.  I only have experience with goldfish and bettas and I wanted to try something new, but easy.  The petshop suggested mollies and platies.  Yesterday I added a cremesicle lyre tail molly, and two variatus platy fish which are all black bodied with yellow faces, yellow tails and yellow fins.  I attempted to determine the sex of the platies because I don't want fry; I don't have room for them.  I think the platies are two females but I am not sure, although it's possible they could already be pregnant from being in the tank at the petshop with males and I can't tell if they have babies in their bellies since they are black bodied.  Anyway, last night one of the platies, (one I am more certain is a female) started hiding in a cave type ornament and won't come out unless I reach in & pick it up.  She'll come out for a bit and then go back in and stay there.  Is this normal or what is going on?  Also, what would be the maximum number of fish for this tank?  Wanted to eventually add serpae tetras or swordtails once cycled.  Thanks!  April

its possible that she is just shy although in a new tank I always worry that when fish go into hiding its due to stress from water conditions.  Test your water to make sure your not having issues with high ammonia levels, if the levels are normal then more then likely she is just shy and will come around in a week or so.  I would stay in the area of 5 medium fish or 8 small fish in a 10 gallon aquarium, any more and you are overloading the tank and will start to see die off.