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Betta Tail Rot

23 16:07:12

Hi -

My Betta has tail rot - his top fin has entirely rotted away and I just noticed today that his side fins are affected too. I thought something was up, because he is less active then he used to be. I started treating him yesterday with this stuff called Bettafix - they told me to use it at the pet store. It's main ingredient is Melaleuca. Is this effective in treating fin rot or should I get something else.

My second question is - will his fins grow back? And... is he in pain?

Thank you in advance for your advice!
Rachael - concerned owner of Max the Betta.

Hi Bettafix is a good choice for this condition because it is made for bettafish and it is dosed for a betta bowl. It is basically a weaker form of malafix which is a great medication for wounds and fin rot.  You can add some salt to the water and yes... his fin will grow back.  Feed him live tubiworms or brineshrimp to help boost his immune system... you can use frozen tubi worms and brine shrimp too... dave